This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
🐸 For the Development Roadmap, go here!
Older Versions: v0.19, v0.18, v0.17, v0.16, v0.15, v0.14, oldest
Oh So Hero! v0.20.800
New features:
- Crates now have a 25% chance to drop a Zenni Gold Coin 3 Pack (coins will burst out slightly).
- Korko's drink prices have been increased to balance the additional income.
- Fruit Drink is currently bugged, however (see known issues).
Improvements & bug fixes:
- Fixed Ket's dialogue menu at Southeast Beach. Able to access the sex option once again!
- Fixed letterboxing on Bates Game Over animations.
- Changed auto-save process to possibly prevent certain cases of save file corruption.
- This will not fix the currently known save corruption bug, however (see known issues).
- The camera will zoom in on Joe when the game is paused. Includes a new purple color overlay.
- The camera will zoom in more on Joe during dialogue conversations with NPCs.
- Added missing black armbands to Joe on a specific piece of art.
- “DPS” damage text is smaller (we still plan to replace this with proper damage numbers at a later time).
- And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!
Known issues:
- This bug was introduced several versions ago, but a root cause was just now discovered. A fix is already prepared for the next build.
- In the meantime, please do not buy the Fruit Drink! If you do it by accident, wait for the buff to expire before leaving the area and quitting the game. Saving with the buff active can corrupt your save file!
- If you have a corrupted file, don't delete it. You can uncorrupt the file by going to your save data directory and editing the file with a text editor to remove the “BuffIcon” portion. Yes, I accidentally stuffed texture data in the save file. Sorry!
- Alternatively, you can wait until we release the next build and you will be able to load this file normally~
- Dialogue menus selection issue (Possible soft lock)
- Dialogue/Teleporter menu selection affected by invisible cursor
- Inventory navigation bug
- Keybind Screen selector goes out of bounds
- Camera will zoom out if unpausing the game during sex
- Joe can perform actions during intro cutscene
Oh So Hero! v0.20.701
New features:
- Bates Game Over Cutscene & Animations!
- Game Over during battle with Bates will show a cutscene and then randomly one of eight animation loops.
- All Game Over animations are unlocked in the Gallery when Bates is defeated.
- The loop animations can be found in a new Lood City Park section of the Gallery.
- The introductory animations will be available in the Gallery in a future update.
- New dialogue for Ket (& Jack) at Sheo Islands Beach after returning from Smol Beach.
- Android Touch Input Update!
- Android Touch Controls are larger by default and positioning has changed.
- Multiple button layout options. There is a new layout called “Impact” that serves as the new default, and the old layout returns in similar form as “Classic”.
- Compound Button Option allows for “Down + Attack” (Pose Sexy) and similar combinations within a single button.
- Tap Interact/Talk prompt to do so. (Sex still requires use of its own Sex button.)
- During a conversation, tap on the modal dialogue box to advance the text.
- During a cutscene, tap the screen to show a prompt that can be tapped to skip the cutscene.
- When Joe is knocked out, the screen can be tapped to continue to the Game Over screen.
- The Game Over screen menu options can be selected via tap.
- Options Screen category selection has been improved, and a Controls category has been added.
- The Controls category includes both Key Bindings and options for Touch Input.
- The Controls category will show non-interactive touch controls for easier visual configuration.
- An on-screen sex prompt (heart animation) now appears whenever Joe’s able to use the Sex button.
Improvements & bug fixes:
- Fixed soft-lock upon defeating Bates, allowing access to the Victory Cutscene.
- Fixed Bates attacking or moving during a phase transition.
- Fixed Bates facing to always look at Joe between most abilities.
- Fixed Bates VFX fireball from lingering on the screen indefinitely.
- Fixed a Fungus dialogue bug that could break certain conversations.
- Fixed framerate cap on Android build; it can now run up to 60 FPS.
- Fixed crash in Gallery when using auto-play all through Lin’s entry.
- Added Lin’s idle animation to the Gallery.
- Added more default info to the Skills Screen.
- Animated the modal dialogue box background.
- Hide touch controls during dialogue and cutscenes.
- Hide touch controls when leaving gameplay (including Joe KO’ed and Game Over).
- On PC/Mac/Linux, the cursor will now be visible only upon booting the game, on the Title screen, and on the Key Bindings screen.
- Some lewd sounds have better volume balance and more pitch randomization.
- Springs can now bounce movable objects such as the beach ball.
- And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!
Known issues:
- Sound effects may be inaudible after cutscenes (leave area to fix)
- Android: Touch Controls display during the game's intro cutscene
- Cutscene fullscreen animations are not in the Gallery
- Pause Menu and sub-menus have limited tap/touch support
- Touch Control Compound Buttons show unattained skills
- Bates Game Over Animations have improper letterboxing on some displays
- Excessive box breaking sounds in Sheo Islands Beach
- (Added Dec 2nd:) Unable to pick sex in dialogue with Ket at Southeast Beach
Oh So Hero! v0.20.603
New features:
- Bates Cutscenes! (Intro & Victory)
- These will play upon meeting Bates and defeating Bates respectively.
- For high quality cutscene animations, Set High Quality Animations to Always.
- NOTE: This requires a high amount of system memory (RAM)!
- We’ve also included an “Under Construction” sign to Lood City Park that will allow you to reset game event flags and replay the cutscenes or fight Bates again.
- Newly implemented Music and Sound Effects
- The following music tracks play for the first time in-game during the Bates cutscenes: “BATES Confrontation”, “Theme of Joe”, “BATES Post Fight Clarity”, “A Future Made For Us (Red MiXXX)” (New).
- New NPC: Lin! (Dialogue Only)
- Have a conversation with Lin before meeting Bates in Lood City Park.
- Bates/Enemy AI & Battle Revisions
- All enemy AI has been rewritten, including for Bates.
- Normal enemies may be quicker and slightly more difficult.
- Bates may have some issues fixed, and some others outstanding (see known issues).
Improvements & bug fixes:
- Fixed input for sex & special (Crescent Moon) to ensure no dropped inputs.
- Possible fix for 50 FPS movement; Joe should now move in sync with FPS.
- Bolder font in dialogue conversations and improved advance-text button graphic.
- Hide MiniMap while fighting Bates.
- And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!
Known issues:
- Bates may get knocked off screen in a position where he can’t be grabbed (he will return though).
- Bates may continue attacking or moving during a phase transition.
Oh So Hero! v0.20.500 (Sound FX Update)
New features:
- Sound Design / Sound Effects Update
- Bates boss battle: added various sounds for attacks and more.
- Add boss lust max debuff jingle (Bates at 100% LP).
- Life Spring Aura (new original sound).
- Liath's cauldron bubbles.
- Add hum to elevator/platform movement (loop).
- New platform activation sound for forest sexy switches.
- New sounds for grabbing an enemy and being grabbed by them.
- New sound for damaging an enemy that has poise (e.g. Stier).
- New sounds for Joe: footsteps, jump, land, fall down.
- New sounds for Bax: bubble shoot 1 & 2, grab, whip, heart.
- New gong sound upon Gallery cheat verified.
- New teleporter synth sound.
Improvements & bug fixes:
- Sound Improvements
- Updated code to support new audio.
- Limit SFX events to two instances of each unique sound simultaneously.
- Joe butt stomp and damaged sound adjustments.
- Cas's House update (sounds now use volume settings).
- Updated audio credits to include sound libraries and contributors.
- Bug Fixes
- Fix Bates falling through the ground.
- Fix Bates flying off screen and not returning.
- Fix some of Bates’s errant fireball VFX (still more to do).
- Fix initialization and display of poise (e.g. for Haya).
- And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!
Known issues:
Oh So Hero! v0.20.400
New features:
- Two New Animations for Bates!
- These animations (previewed last update) become available upon reaching Phase Four or Five of the battle with Bates. When Bates is knocked down and Joe initiates sex in either of these phases, you’ll see a new animation. There is one animation when Bates is 0-99% lust, and another animation when Bates is 100% lust (magenta tint).
- If you’ve already beat Bates in a previous version, you’ll need to beat him again to unlock these animations.
- Full Gallery Unlock Cheat Code!
- Read the instructions here:
- This is a temporary unlock that does not affect gallery data. Keep your progress!
- This is a quick implementation and is subject to change in future builds.
Improvements & bug fixes:
- Possible fix for Bates flying off screen and never returning. More Bates fixes are planned for next month’s build.
- The title screen main menu cursor now has wrapping enabled, so you can press Up to go to Quit.
- And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!
Known issues:
- Some systems with lesser amounts of RAM (especially Windows 32-bit) may crash if viewing Bates in the Gallery with high-quality animations enabled because the computer runs out of memory. This is something we hope to address in a future update.
Oh So Hero! v0.20.300 (+ Android Options Fix)
UPDATE: Android builds have been updated to v0.20.301 with a fix for the options screen.
New features:
- Bates has a new Dive Grab move with its own sex animation. This may be new to you!
- The sex animation was previously accessible only through the Gallery after defeating Bates.
- This move is introduced in Phase 3 and is upgraded in subsequent phases.
- Bates’s Sun Flame desperation attack has been updated with a new part added to the end of it!
- The desperation attack is used once at the beginning of Phase 5.
- Bates’s Smash attack (blue flames) has been updated with a revised hitbox and a new Phase 5 upgrade.
Improvements & bug fixes:
- Fixed Bates’s dashing for Flare Beam (fireball attack), Sexy Taunt, and 3 of the Grabs.
- Made Bates’s animation speeds more consistent (may be slightly slower than before).
- Updated Bates's Flare Beam fireball VFX animation (still a work-in-progress).
- Reduced Joe’s Crescent Moon cooldown.
- Added Joe’s Crescent Moon to the Skills Screen.
- Adjusted Joe's Pose Sexy VFX to more closely match the hitbox.
- Only the VFX have been altered. The hitbox remains unchanged.
- Fixed double shadows (extra light source) in Lood City Park.
- Added cursor control to the Title Screen Main Menu.
- This can be useful if the controls have been bungled and you need to use the mouse, for instance.
- Fixed “Select Monitor” Option.
- This is used if you have multiple displays connected to select the display on which to play.
- This option stopped working at some point in the past; possibly during a Unity upgrade. It should be fine now (with some caveats listed in the option description).
- Replaced “Full Screen” Option with “Full Screen Mode” Option.
- Rather than simply “Full Screen: On or Off“ we now provide all Unity-supported full screen mode options, including borderless window and exclusive full screen.
- And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!
Known issues:
- Windows builds are currently built with Mono because IL2CPP mysteriously broke for like the tenth time during development (IDK why this keeps happening but I blame Microsoft and Unity). We will try to fix this if/when possible.
Other notes:
- The area known as Lood City has been renamed to “Lood City - W Ave” (West Avenue). This change has been made in preparation for the expansion of the city further east beyond Lood City Park (where you fight Bates).
Oh So Hero! v0.20.200
New features:
- New NPC: Dyabal!
- Find this demon frog (auranura) in Dyabal’s Cabin!
- New Environment: Dyabal’s Cabin
- This is a small area added to the far right side of the Forbidden Bayou.
- New attack for Bates: Fire Pellets
- This spawns patterns of flaming bullets. Bates starts using this in Phase 3, and adds new patterns in Phases 4 and 5.
- Mastered Soundtrack
- The game’s music has been updated to the mastered soundtrack.
Improvements & bug fixes:
- Forbidden Bayou modifications:
- Liath now has a cauldron, an updated hut, and new dialogue.
- The door to Smol Beach has been moved a bit more to the right.
- Updated Credits.
- And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!
Known issues:
- There are some bugs in the Bates battle (Fire Pellets included) as it’s still in beta.
Oh So Hero! v0.20.100 Bug Fix Build
Improvements & bug fixes:
- NPC animations:
- Fixed Koji (Daku NPC) & Joe's sex animation in Ali's Surf Shack.
- Fixed Ajax (Bax NPC) & Joe's sex animation in the Gallery.
- Gameplay:
- Fixed the white screen bug at title when mashing the submit button from the very beginning of the game (or when returning to title from gameplay).
- Fixed Amaru's sexy taunt hearts to move properly on “JumpThrough” platforms, and also not move the bodies of defeated enemies.
- Graphics:
- All characters use a new custom shader to allow for proper color overlay effects. This shader may be more performant than the old one as well.
- As a result, some visual effects, most notably the invulnerability/damage color on Joe, will be more apparent.
- Gallery characters have been spread out more to avoid overlap, and other cosmetic tweaks have been made to the Gallery.
- Added extra animation loops for fullscreen Game Over and Loading Screen animations when using the Gallery's Play All feature.
- Bates-related:
- Bates's AI should not make him stop attacking Joe at any point.
- Bates's AI should not make him move bizarrely or go off screen.
- Bates's HP bar will show and hide properly, even when Joe gets a game over and then continues.
- Joe will no longer be able to have sex with Bates while he is downed and invulnerable between phases.
- Bates's invulnerability between phases has less visual flickering (he'll still be invulnerable for the same amount of time).
- Bates will have a magenta overlay on his body when he is downed at 100% lust, indicating that the sex animation will be different (such as with a normal enemy while they are swooned).
- Five Chillpills have been added to Lood City Park to lower the player's lust before the battle with Bates.
- Cleaned and optimized various areas of game code that may also improve performance.
- And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!
Known issues:
Oh So Hero! v0.20.002
New features:
- New Boss: Bates!
- You can find and fight Bates in Lood City Park (see further below).
- This is a beta version of Bates. We have most of his moves and sex animations implemented, and you can battle him in a form close to what we have intended. Bates operates a bit differently from normal enemies. For example, when he reaches 100% lust, he is not swooned, but has a defense debuff applied.
- After you beat Bates, go right to read a sign with a special message, and then check the Gallery for all Bates animations unlocked, including a bonus animation! (We couldn't get it in the battle just yet, but you can see it in the Gallery.)
- We have more in the works for Bates including new and improved attacks, additional sex animations, and a post-defeat cutscene with dialogue. These updates will roll out over the coming months, and we hope you enjoy them!
- New Environment: Lood City Park!
- You can get here through a new door on the far right side of Lood City.
- This is a small linear area where you fight Bates! The design is subject to change in upcoming updates. We also added a Life Spring Aura to fill your HP and SP!
- New Music: “BATES Prelude to Battle”, “BATES Boss Battle”, “BATES Boss Battle (Final Mix)”
- Hear these in Lood City Park and in the battle with Bates!
- These three tracks were composed by Cilantro, with additional arrangement on the Boss Battle tracks by Ket Ralus, and guitar on Final Mix by Ugly Prick!
Improvements & bug fixes:
- Increased default volume for sound effects and lewd sound effects. You may want to reset your audio settings to 100% for proper balance.
- Updated the disclaimer at the start of the game, adding a photosensitivity/epilepsy warning. We try to avoid rapidly flashing lights, but please take precautions.
- Fixed damage numbers to display proper values when stats are modified.
- Sex rhythm meter now has a variable target (min of 15% and max of 75%).
- Sex rhythm meter and power struggle meter have been moved to the bottom of the screen (gameplay HUD).
- Sex rhythm meter's button prompt will hide quickly.
- Joe's Crescent Moon special ability will now give him iframes (invulnerability) for the full duration of this move.
- Joe's Slide and Butt Stomp abilities now have increased recovery time at the end of the moves, and Slide's distance/speed has been modified.
- And even more fixes that are too trivial to list!
Known issues:
- Bates is incomplete and has several known issues. These will be rectified in the following updates as we complete our work. Here are the main issues:
- Bates's attacks have little to no sound effects. What's there is a placeholder.
- Some of Bates's attacks are incomplete, and some other moves are absent.
- Joe is able to have sex with Bates while he is downed and invulnerable between phases, though this should not be possible.
- Bates may sometimes move bizarrely or go off screen.
- There are no Bates Game Over animations.
- Defeating Bates abruptly cuts back to normal gameplay with no post-defeat content (aside from the placeholder sign off to the right).
- The Lood City Park environment needs performance optimizations.
- Joe's Crescent Moon cooldown is irregular.
changelog.1735265117.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/26 18:05 by francis