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These items are what appear in “Oh So Hero!”. Some are essential to progression and can only be found once, others can appear several times and assist the player during gameplay.

Disclaimer: The information described here are provided by gamers and not a member of the development team, so certain information may be missing or incorrect.

The Map

An item without a physical form, the map is received from Ket after talking to him when you start the game and don't skip him. This is often invaluable since it fills in as you progress, with unexplored chunks easily showing you possible secrets or simply areas you haven't reached yet.


A classic white box with a red cross in the middle. Can be found in boxes.

The Medkit restores 30% of health.


A half red, half white pill. Can be found in boxes.

The Chillpill reduces current lust by 10%.

Gold Coin

As it says on the tin, it is a coin that is golden. Found in crates around various maps.

Unlike other items, the Gold Coin doesn't float. It instead pops out of a crate and lands on the floor while spinning, making them a little hard to see at times. Coins transfer into Zenni, a currency planned for use towards a shop feature in future editions of “Oh So Hero!”.

One coin equates to one Zenni.

It currently can be collected, but not spent.

Ass Masters: Limited Edition

A small book (probably a pornographic manga) with an orange cover and a bare pair of ass on the front page.

This enables Joe to use the butt slamming ability.

Lono'e Natural Loob

Found in Treewish Forest after breaking through the ruins with the butt slam ability, it appears to be a small wooden bottle with leaves sticking off it, dripping a clear liquid.

This enables Joe to slide, especially under tight spaces.

Sensual Body Paints

Found in the Treewish forest. It's a small bottle (likely glass) with pinkish-purple paint inside.

This item raises Joe's Charisma up by 10 points, making his seduction attacks more powerful and reduces some enemies into a lusty state with just one seduction.

items.1616882927.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/18 06:55 (external edit)