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Brask is a fire salamander with black skin and golden markings and rules over a small section of Treewish Forest, that being his Jungle. He wears a leafy cloak/sash and thin black loincloth. He also carries a wooden staff. He is located in front of the twin thrones of his palace, the entrance of which is situated at the end of Brask's Jungle, next to the entrance to The Forbidden Bayou.

He's very welcoming to Joe and even aids him due to the invaders entering his domain, offering information regarding the Daku and Amaru's organization structure/activities and allowing him to rest within his palace. He even seems to have control, or at least some of it, over the Lono'e, given his palace is filled with them and even has a pair of them as willing and eager sex partners (unlike those the player has to fight through).
