====== Welcome to the Oh So Hero! Wiki ====== 🔞 **This wiki contains adult content. Proceed only if you are of legal age (typically 18+).** {{ wiki:redemption3445_oh_so_hero_2018-02-27_gfx_ff-f_patreon_banner.jpg?nolink&600 |}} 💎 **//Oh So Hero!//** is the upcoming furry sextroidvania game from Full Frontal Frog. ===== FAQ ===== **__[[FAQ|🐸 Please start by reading our FAQ for important info, and answers to frequently asked questions!]]__** ===== Download ===== 🎮 [[https://f.ff-f.co/oshi|Download the free demo]]! Patrons on [[https://f.ff-f.co/p|Patreon]] get new versions of the game! You may also support us on [[https://ko-fi.com/FullFrontalFrog|Ko-fi]]! ===== Wiki ===== ✏️ [[edit|Become a wiki editor!]] This Wiki features articles about the lore, characters, gameplay, and events of //Oh So Hero!// Since the game is still a work-in-progress, the information on these pages will change frequently. **See the [[Sidebar]] for a full list of common pages.** //NOTE: This page is protected. Please [[contact|contact staff]] if changes are needed.//