====== Save Data ====== //This article contains general information about save data. For user-submitted save files and gallery data, please see [[Save Files]].// The **save data** for //Oh So Hero!// is stored in your **user folder**, not the app folder. This allows the save data to automatically carry over across new versions of the game. If moving to a new computer, make sure to backup the user folder save data. The location of this differs for each operating system, as detailed in the sections below. ===== Windows ===== At your Desktop, press **Windows+R** on your keyboard to open the Run window. Next, copy and paste the following line into the "__O__pen:" textbox and click OK: **''%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Full Frontal Frog\Oh So Hero!''** An Explorer window will appear to show you the contents. The pertinent files are: * **GalleryData.es3** * **SaveFile01.es3** (also **02**, **03**) Additionally, **Player Prefs** are stored in the Registry: **''Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Full Frontal Frog\Oh So Hero!''** ==== I accidentally goofed my options or key bindings. What do? ==== On Windows, you can reset all of your options by running a simple command on the command line: ''REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Full Frontal Frog\Oh So Hero!" /f'' This will not affect your save data or gallery data. Alternatively, you can download this batch file, then double-click it to run it: [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/k73lqbotqmms14e/OSH%20Reset%20Options.bat?dl=0]] ===== macOS ===== Navigate to the following location: ''~/Library/Application Support/Full Frontal Frog/Oh So Hero!'' You'll find **GalleryData.es3** and **SaveFile01.es3** here. ==== macOS Alternate Locations ==== On macOS 10.15 Catalina with Oh So Hero build version up to 0.20.800 the pathway is: ''~/Library/Application Support/co.ff-f.OhSoHero'' With Oh So Hero build version from 0.21.000 onward the pathway is: ''~/Library/Application Support/com.FullFrontalFrog.OhSoHero'' ===== Limitations ===== Save data from a version older than 0.15 (//Pre Edition II//) is not compatible with newer builds of the game. ===== See Also ===== * [[Error Logs]]