[[characters|< Back to all characters]] ====== Francis ====== {{ c:francis_portraitnormal_s.png?200}} **Francis** is the [[https://ff-f.co/francis/|mascot of Full Frontal Frog]], the studio behind //Oh So Hero!// While not officially part of the game (or not yet at least), he makes an appearance now and then to encourage players to support the game's development. ===== Trivia ===== * Francis appears in an unrelated comic titled [[https://e621.net/pools/22747|Glory Hotel]] by [[https://www.furaffinity.net/user/jking1200|jking1200]]. It was commissioned by [[https://www.furaffinity.net/user/sinsandvirtues|Sins_and_Virtues]]. * He also appears in various other images created or commissioned by the creators of //Oh So Hero!//, Ket-Ralus and/or Redemption3445.